24 May 2011

BISIKAN HATI ~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~ 4 comments
22 May 2011
18 May 2011

BISIKAN HATI ~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~ 2 comments
Betul, serius ni, korang akan enjoy lepak dengan orang Gothic.
BISIKAN HATI ~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~ 6 comments
Because of our weakness in telling story, that is why some of us telling their story by songs, dressing, touch, face expressions, dance, or poem.
Friends, lover, and family is important to us. We need friends. We don't want to lose them. That is why we keep our hatred inside (not like Emo~ they prefer to release their emotion)
So if u falling in love with a Gothic girl, give her a chance. Trust me, gothic girl are not that arrogant (i can say that ~If u being arrogant, u are not real goth~ my opinion only)
We bound strongly with death but we not love death. We don't want our lover to be left alone. We don't want our family is sad. We may dead inside but we won't let our loved one feels that we are dead.
Like i said before. Gothic people keep emotion inside, they do explain what they feel to others by creative ways, their own way, but it could only be understand by other gothic people, but we don't care because we don't want our beloved feeling sad.
But still we want to feel the sense of belonging. Sense of belonging in gothic people is strong, that is why we hope, by our own way of 'release' emotion, we will be found by other gothic people
Although Gothic and Emo come from same root, but Gothic is different with Emo.
I'll explain more later, but one think should tell here,
We love dream, we keep sadness-hatred inside own heart, only our beloved one could read our sadness. So, we only show happiness to other. We quite polite, we are not arrogant. We love fun, we love chatting, we love art, we attract to dark, we love the mystery
we sensitive about thought
Emo love music, emo release emotion not keep, emo is master of emotion, emo is about to apply your emotion to your lifestyle (music, dressing)
emo sensitive about feeling

BISIKAN HATI ~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~ 2 comments
Special for my friend ;) Dalila
Ada yang mau
But we're still outsiders
If Everybody's here
Then hell knows we ride alone...
I've seen some years
But you're still my Caesar
With everything I feel
I feel you've already been here
The only difference is all I see is now all that I've seen
it's bright on the outside
The bright love the dark side I know
It's obvious but sometimes you just have to say it so
You don't feel so weak
About being such a freak
In seventeen years
Will you still be Camille
Lee Miller, Gala or whatever
You know what I mean yeah
Love'll die
Lovers fade
But you still remain there
Squeezing in your fingers
What it means for me to be yeah
The only difference is what might be is now what might have been
When you saw me sleeping
You thought I was dreaming
Of you
no I didn't tell you
That the only dream
Is Valium for me
I've seen some years
But you're still my Caesar
With everything I feel
I feel you've already been here
Love'll die
Lovers fade
But you still remain there
Squeezing in your fingers
What it means for me to be yeah
The only difference is what might be is NOW
BISIKAN HATI ~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~ 0 comments
17 May 2011
Masa ni i masuk kubu freemason pula dan sembang2 dengan mereka. Well I really love my black room and cat analogy dengan 'now this age has achieve its balance' theory
BISIKAN HATI ~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~ 0 comments
Setahun dulu aku pernah bergaduh cakap dgn seorang Freemason. Sometimes aku pikir wow aku skang pun rasanya takboleh cakap macam ni. Human change~ klik untuk large size
BISIKAN HATI ~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~ 0 comments
16 May 2011
15 May 2011
A girl asked me
Same question brother yang aku anggap sensei aku pernah tanya aku
BISIKAN HATI ~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~ 4 comments
Aku membesar dengan lagu dia, ideologi dia, prinsip hidup dia kagumkan aku, and dia la yang kenalkan aku dengan Gothic, my true soul music. So she is the girl yang paling aku respek.
BISIKAN HATI ~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~ 0 comments
14 May 2011
Walaupun kami slalu gak beza pendapat, tapi aku respek dier sebab apa
Sebab prinsip dier,
Bagi aku....
BISIKAN HATI ~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~ 0 comments
3 Benda Genius & 3 Benda Bodoh Kerajaan BN pernah cadangkan
BISIKAN HATI ~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~ 6 comments
Illuminati Card Game - Malaysian Style ~kekekeke
PART 1: Disebabkan blog ni blog kegelapan berbanding blog aku satu lagi, then entry dier kali ni agak gelap dan sinis. Well enjoy (oh ya, bila baca ni bayangkan ada lagu ala ala suspens citer The Arrival)
BISIKAN HATI ~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~ 0 comments
12 May 2011
blog girls i admit sweet, cantik, kreatif
blog laki ada yg serabut sgt, ada yg simple btui
kalau blog girls mesti penuh tutorial
kalau blog girls mesti penuh animation yg ceria comel even utk budak girl yg otai pun ada animation
kalau blog laki, dah la simple, kering, kaler satu jenis je
tapi satu je best dalam blog laki yg belum ada lagi dalam blog girls
DIRECT GILER, selamber je kalau dorang nak ckp lancau,
Cara mengutuk depa mang kalau terkena kita rasa mcm nak tumbuk2
kalau blog girls dorang maki pun still sweet <3 <3
Blog girls nyer makian kalau kita baca mesti respond kita "sabarla.." atau "i support u"
tapi kalau blog laki nyer makian kalau kita baca mesti respon kita "LULZ" atau "damn respek lu"
haha well ini bukan ngutuk jalan salah paham, aku suka sbnarnya mcm ni, ada market niche =3
edited: eh aku jumpa satu blog girl direct maki cam blog laki, hahaha hepi aku
BISIKAN HATI ~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~ 0 comments
10 May 2011
Aku sedang rindu pada malam ku bersamamu
Kalbuku mengerang norma-norma hilang
Yang ada hanya rindu
Aku tak bisa jelaskan mengapa bisa begini
Aku slalu terdengar suara-suara yang merayu
Rangkaikan hatiku bersamamu
Di malam ini
Ku ingin
Aku hanya ingin mencintai
Aku hanya ingin dicintai
Walaupun banyak yang menentangku
Ku hanya ingin bahagia
BISIKAN HATI ~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~ 0 comments
Principles of Love
baru baru ni aku da lukakan hati si dia
hope si dia betul2 dapat terima aku balik, maybe aku kena ingat balik
Principles of Love yang aku tulis dulu
Honey.. I am really really sorry, Only u my love.
and i wont let ur hand go
and u wont let mine go too
when u meet ur friend
or in front of ur family
as i wont let ur hand go
even when i facing
hardest test from God
share ur sadness
share ur happiness
share ur thought
with me
let me carry ur burden
let me feeling ur joy
because i am ready
to give my life
for you
since the first day
i falling love
to you
take care of me
care about my feeling
as long as i
care about ur life
and i really want
to take care of you
protect u
make u happy
until the end of time
so i make wish to God
please don't separate us
so i can
take care of my sweetheart
let me care of ur life
let me know ur family
and ur close friends
let me worry about u
since my love is only u
and i promise
i wont over control ur life
because i want u smile
not because i ask u to smile
but because u are happy be with me
my love is only u
so i hope there is no third person
in our love story
believe me
support me
because support from u
can give me strength
to overcome any wall in life
support from u
can give me courage
to fight thousands of enemy soldiers
please believe me
because my love is only u
give me advices
please say i am wrong
if u saw i did something wrong
please say it direct
without riddle or puzzle
because i am human
who is cannot read mind
just say u dislike it
and i will remember it
all my life
and everything u did
when u say u love me
when u sing a song for me
when u give me presents
when u play with me fingers
i remember it
all my life
so please dont hurt my heart
because i can remember it
all my life
give some space
in our life
to do our own activities
give some space has deep meaning
which mean u trust me
and i trust you
which mean u still remember God
which mean u still remember your family
which mean u still remember your friends
i don't want u leave everything
just because of me
i dont want u push urself
to love me
i just want u happy become with me
i just want to be someone in ur life
someone who give deep meaning to ur life
who is you can simply ignore
i want you to love me because myself
i want you to love me becase my character
not just because i love you
not just because someone push you
not just because money or body
not just because power or famous
not just because of anything else
i just want you sincerely love me
because u want me
love me because you are proud i am ur lover
and the hardest thing in love
i want to understand u
and i want u understand me
and i know it is hard
to understand someone
that is why
i willing to learn you
let me learn you
so i can understand u better
so my love to you
getting stronger
i am happy and proud
u are my lover
and i need you
sweetheart, i love you
BISIKAN HATI ~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~ 2 comments
09 May 2011
Si dia post sesuatu yang buat aku risau tgh pagi buta tadi
and at pukul 5 pagi dier ta tido lagi, i wonder apa yg dia buat
tapi status si dia mang buat aku sedih
aku risaukan dier
"dh xepy btpe na prthankn lg..lepaskn jelah...abeh cite..."
tapi mcm biasa i know, kalau i tanya pun mesti dier kata "takde apa la"
i wonder why susah sgt nak share probs dgn hubby sendiri
why hubby must be the last man yang tahu apa apa pasal dier
i dont know, and i want to know why
Please God, protect us
BISIKAN HATI ~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~ 0 comments
07 May 2011
Sayangku Nadirah, I love you forever, i won't give up
I have a lovely wife and i still love her
but now i am really stress because we ta dapat jumpa, banyak je halangan
i betul betul penat
sometimes i feel like our love is dying
when i call her, i feel like dia pun mcm da ta kesah pasal i
don't know, bila call dier, rasa mcm dier pun tatau na sembang apa
our chemistry seem like gone
Tiba tiba satu hari i teringat na msg kawan lama i yg blaja sama dgn i
Dulu i really love this girl
When i msg girl yg i love masa sekolah dulu tiba tiba rasa hepi
but i know why we can't be together, because i am not for her
but i am really happy when i talking with her
But still, NOW, I LOVE MY WIFE
BISIKAN HATI ~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~ 1 comments